I have been a fan of adventure and puzzle games like this one, since the days of Infocom and text-only games. This game is as enjoyable, or more, than many classics I have played int he past, such as Zork or Myst, although the puzzles are much simpler. The controls are super-easy, so I don’t understand why people complain about them. You just use a few keys to control almost everything: Numbers 1-2-3 to select a character, arrows to move it, space bar to jump, c to grab/release objects or let go when you are hanging form a rope or an edge, e to engage with or activate an object, and q to invoke the powers of the character you are controlling. That’s it. The only thing I don’t know how to do with the mouse is make a character push/pull a movable object. You can use the mouse to move as well, but I don’t like it.
The graphics and music are great, and the narration is very funny. My girlfriend and I are having a great time playing this game together.